Archive for the 'Videos' Category

Scottish Ninjas Teaser!

Behold the teaser video for Scottish Ninjas up coming bi-weekly series premiering June 29th!  Get a taste of the story to unfold, as well as your first glimpse of Drunken Master in the flesh!


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Announcement: The Scottish Ninjas Are Coming!

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Now Introducing ScottishNinjas.TV!

We are happy to announce the launch of ScottishNinjas.TV!  The sister site to, dedicated purely to hosting our animated video content.   Think of as Jan Brady who does all the heavy lifting and ScottishNinjas.TV as Marcia Brady who is just eye candy that everyone loves to watch.   If we are going to continue this analogy, which we probably shouldn’t, then would be like their housekeeper Alice who kept all the clothing in order and who’s sexually is sort of unclear.

So there you have it!  The complete family tree for the Scottish Ninjas online family!

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Scottish Ninjas® Webisode – “Emergency Room Visit”

Hello Scottish Ninjas fans, the day has finally arrived!  The new cartoon short is finally here!

“After an epic ninja fight, the Scottish Ninjas are forced to visit an emergency room for the first time. Blood is spilt, cultures clash, and hilarity ensues.”

We’re proud to include the amazing voice talent of Kieron Elliott from “Deadliest Warrior/Aftermath” and “How To Train Your Dragon” as Lachlan!

So sit back, grab an Irn-bru, or something stronger, and enjoy their latest adventure!

And please, as always; our success is due to all of you, so we encourage you share this cartoon with your family, friends… heck even your enemies. So Facebook, G+, tweet, digg, email, write the URL on coasters at your local bar…whatever it takes.

If you haven’t already, read the web-comic prequel to this adventure!

Also for those of you at PAX in Seattle August 26th-28th, we’ll be there and find us for a free super special limited edition Scottish Ninjas Kilt-fu sticker. We also have a table in the artist alley during Seattle’s Jet City Comic con Saturday, Sept. 24th. So come by and say hi.

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Scottish Ninja Approved!

We are starting a new series of blog posts here at Scottish

Along with our usual updates on all things Scottish Ninjas, we will also be doing something every now and then we like to call…


This is where we showcase things we share here at team Scottish Ninjas…We have a standing challenge to our group to find stuff that members think is cool; then pass it around. Maybe it’s because we know the creators, it shares our sense of humor, flair for the visual, or caters to various elements we deal with here at the show.  We will share it and tell ya what we liked about it.

Sure, it’s a glorified show ‘n tell…but as we all know, creative ideas really need to be shared.

So consider yourself part of the team and enjoy our very first SCOTTISH NINJAS APPROVED entry in the aptly titled:

“The Life Cycle Of A Good Idea”

directed and written by Steven Reedy of the creative collective, Zero Friends

What struck us about this short video is its use of intense, graphic and even comical violence to deliver a message…

That in our opinion is…  an idea is a very power thing, but making it a reality may be the most difficult feat you’ve ever attempt.  People will try to knock it down and steal it.  If that fails, they will attempt to destroy it and tear you apart in the process.  But as long as you hold on to your idea and never let go, you will prevail and possibly inspire.

Certainly not for the faint of heart but something we can definitely relate to.

Have a look… and let us know what you think.  Maybe you have a different take on this...

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